Max Weber Religious Theory
- Created by: Katie-Louise Griffin
- Created on: 02-02-15 18:37
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- Max Weber
- Force for social change
- Social Action approach
- Examine meaning of people
- Attempt to make sense of peoples fortune
- Theodicy of dis-privilege or non privileged
- Rationality
- Why western culture developed differently to east
- Scientific development
- Why western culture developed differently to east
- Social Change
- Different religious ethics led to different economic outcomes
- Religious ideas can influence and introduce changes to social structure
- Ireland
- Ant-apartheid movement
- Poland
- Protestant Ethic
- Calvinism
- John Calvin
- French protestant reformer & founder of Calvinism
- Corrupt Catholic Church
- Faith based on scripture alone
- Foundations of capitalism
- Did not teach that people must stay in their social class
- Elective Affinity
- Relationship between religious beliefs and development of capitalism
- Work hard
- Everything done for a reason
- Assetic Creed
- Simple and plain life
- Assetic Creed
- Working through lunch
- Searching for perfection
- Everything done for a reason
- John Calvin
- Calvinism
- AO2
- Critical alternative to economic determinism of Marx
- Religion as a force of change
- Examined relationship between economy and religious beleifs
- Less concerned with moral or ethical teachings
- Way in which ideas shaped behaviour
- Work has become most dominant and influential in theorist on religion
- Sombart
- Misunderstood Calvinist traditions
- Calvinism against profit
- Samuelsson & Tawney
- Questions his claim that Calvinism preceded capitalism
- Some countries contained Calvinistic populations but capitalism came much later
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