Physical Activity and Health
- Created by: Shana Francis
- Created on: 09-01-18 22:32
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- Physical Activity and Health
- Health
- Can be argumentative as not all of the population would fit into the typical criteria of this definition.
- Health is not the absence of disease and can be adapted by many.
- Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not the merely the absence of disease of infirmity (WHO, 1948)
- Exercise can reduce stress, anxiety and depression by increasing general well-being (Biddle, 2011)
- Issues linked to energy expenditure
- Sedentary behaviour
- Study: Morris (1953) energy from bus drivers and conductors
- Inactivity
- Study: Morris (1953) energy from bus drivers and conductors
- Inactivity
- Paffenbarger et al. (1986)
- Sedentary behaviour
- PA requirements
- Adults: 150mins of moderate exercise or 75mins of vigorous activity and 2+ days of resistance training pw (WHO, 2010)
- This is focused on maintaining health more than improving health
- Children: 60mins of moderate-vigorous PA
- Sleep
- 8hrs per a night
- PA can improve sleep time, how deep you are within the sleep, your less likely to feel sleepy during the day and you will be able to fall asleep quicker
- Adults: 150mins of moderate exercise or 75mins of vigorous activity and 2+ days of resistance training pw (WHO, 2010)
- Physical Activity
- Movement of the body action of the muscles on skeleton
- By raiding energy consumption above resting levels will help develop an individuals fitness-linked to improving a person's health
- Blair (1993): being overweight does not necessarily mean you are not fit. Is BMI a useful tool to assess fitness?
- Exercise
- A form of PA which can be planned or structured
- Helps improve health
- Types: Aerobic, Anaerobic and resistance training
- It is thought that exercise must be at a certain length to have health benefits such as increasing mental wellbeing and high-intensity exercise is not necessary to produce this (Landers & Arent, 2001)
- Sports
- Competitve form of PA
- Do not all have the same type of capacity
- Non exercise activity thermogensis
- For most people this is the biggest contributor in terms of energy expenditure
- Modulated by changes in energy balance
- Critical component in maintaining weight and restraining from obesity
- Spontaneous activity is much better than non-spontaneous activity
- Health
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