media- music video csp
- Created by: Sherry1405
- Created on: 10-11-18 09:23
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- music videos
- history
- demographic
- teenage girls
- ages 16 and under
- interested in the genre of pop/boys and growing up
- sound
- music video is non-diegetic
- diegetic sound only when fans are screaming
- music video is non-diegetic
- camera angles
- two shots- relationships of group
- long shots- group appearances
- low angles- personal performance vibe
- high angle- eye-level of artists
- birds eye- more in shot e.g fans
- extreme long shot- worldwide travelers
- close up- facial expressions
- mid shot- group performances
- jump cuts- sync with beat
- zoom in- intro of vid
- zoom out- closure of vid
- mise en scene
- sombre- black&white
- facial expressions- comedic
- sad- semiotics
- natural individual
- representation
- positive influence - no smoking/drug
- average boys
- genre
- pop
- celebrity endorsement
- they are celebrities themselves
- demographic
- i bet you look good on the dance floor
- demographic
- males
- ages from 15-30
- interested in music and instruments
- celebrity endorsement
- start of their career- no endorsement
- genre
- indie
- representation
- laid back/casual with musical talent
- Genuine people
- mise en scene
- casual/ street like
- raw talent
- low key lighting/gig vibe
- underground vibes
- sound
- fully diegetic/as if a live performance
- camera angles
- close uo- his face/direct address
- zoom- shows talent/live aspect
- long shot- group dynamics
- panning- group shots
- eye level shots- live aspect
- over the shoulder shot- also a two shot to see others in the band as well
- extreme close up- on instruments
- demographic
- history
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