media representation quality street
- Created by: tia5303
- Created on: 16-07-20 14:07
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- representation
- the representation of gender
- the image suggest a male dominated society with regards to choice
- he is in control of the product and is centrally framed
- this links to Mulveys male gaze theory in relation to the framing.
- this links to Mulveys male gaze theory in relation to the framing.
- the male character anchors the audiences eyes to the product which significant phallic symbolism.
- he is in control of the product and is centrally framed
- he is in control of the product and is centrally framed
- he is in control of the product and is centrally framed
- the dress code relates to the modern working buisness man who may be the 'provider' of the brand
- the women have two stereotypes being relied upon in the advert
- firstly, that of their need for chocolate, a common and very traditional stereotype that still exists today..
- secondly, their subservient body language to the dominant man.
- the implictaion is that to be successful you will need to be romantically led by a man
- there is also a sense of manipulation with the women distracting the man through romance to access the 'prize' that is the product in the mans lap.
- this advert could be seen to be representative of the way in which society was moving at this time
- use of typically feminine colours
- the image suggest a male dominated society with regards to choice
- age
- this advert is purposely for the young to middle aged adults (25 - 40)
- this is so they the target audience could see themselves in the characters in the main section of the text
- this is so they the target audience could see themselves in the characters in the main section of the text
- this advert is purposely for the young to middle aged adults (25 - 40)
- ethnicity
- lack of diversity
- only white characters
- both men are also hetrosexual
- the 3 women in the advert are also presented as straight
- the representation of gender
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