media studies section A
- Created by: Paige Phillips 13
- Created on: 07-05-17 12:12
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- media studies
- Form
- codes
- a network of visual signs and their meanings that are shared and accepted.
- conventions
- a conduct practise of method that is shared and accepted.
- the specific language elements used and their meanings
- mastthead
- skyline
- headline
- strapline
- body text
- byline
- image
- anchorage image
- sub image
- sell line
- codes
- semiotics
- theory of signs and their meanings
- symbolic
- iconic
- representative connection
- indexial
- direct or associated connection
- signifier
- and image of something
- signified
- what an image means
- denotation
- the literal thing
- connotation
- what the image suggests/implies
- audience
- the 4 C's
- the explorer
- the aspirer
- the succeeder
- the reformer
- the mainstream
- the struggler
- the resigned
- demographics
- A - upper middle class
- B - middle class
- C1 - lower middle class
- C2 - skilled working-class
- D - working-class
- E - lowest level of subsistence
- Maslows hierarchy of needs
- what audiences gain from media texts
- decantation theory
- the more you see media texts the more you don't get effect by them
- reception theory
- interactions with texts
- neogotional reading
- watching but neutral
- operational reading
- disagreeing with whats said
- neogotional reading
- dominant reading
- agreeing with whats said
- interactions with texts
- effects model / hypodermic needle
- media is a drug
- 2 step flow
- passing on the message
- 1. opinion leaders get information from a media source
- 2. opinion leaders pass on their information and their interpretations to others
- users and gratification theory
- interpretations of media sources
- the 4 C's
- institutions
- brand image
- how the institution show itself
- values and ideologies
- convergence
- two or more types of media coming together
- synergy
- different elements of a company working together
- conglomerate
- large company that owns smaller companies
- subsidiary
- small companies owned by one company
- oligopoly
- market dominated by small companies
- horizontal intergration
- media company owns sections businesses in the same sector
- vertical intergration
- single company controls the production and supplya product
- brand image
- representation
- how the media portrays groups events experiences ideasand topics
- stereotypes
- reflective view
- reflecting reality through media texts
- constructive view
- the understanding of knowledge and how the worlds constructed by representations in media texts
- narrative
- Valdimir Propp
- archetypical characters
- the villain the hero the helper the princess the fartherthe dispatcher the honour the donor
- Barthes
- action codes
- suspense to the text
- enigma codes
- gives mystery to the text
- semantic codes
- deeper layersmeanings
- action codes
- Todorov
- equilibriumdistruption realisation new equilibrium
- Valdimir Propp
- Form
- signifier
- and image of something
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