Media Terminology - Narrative
- Created by: jaz73628737
- Created on: 26-02-24 15:22
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- Theorists / critical perspectives
- Propp
- Strauss
- conflict & binary oppositions
- Barthes
- Todorov
- 3 act structure
- beginning, middle, end
- Time manipulation
- Flashbacks / flash forwards
- Timelapse / slow mo
- Voiceover
- Mise-en-scene
- 4th wall
- Codes
- Technical, audio, visual
- How storyline is put together to create meaning
- Linear / non-linear
- Restricted / unrestricted
- Open / closed
- Multi-stranded / single-stranded
- Multi-faceted
- Interwoven
- Montage
- Meanings
- Major plot / sub plot
- Theorists / critical perspectives
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