Media studies AS level
- Created by: hollie
- Created on: 20-12-12 17:53
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- Media Revision
- Modes of address- The way that media products speak to the audience
- Micro features- Cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound.
- Score- a soundtrack written for a film.
- Soundtrack- featured within a film.
- Sound
- Diegetic- coming from the world of the film.
- Non- diegetic- added to the film afterwards, during the editing.
- Diegetic- coming from the world of the film.
- Media Language
- Mise-en-scene
- Lighting- whether its low key or high key
- Setting & props
- Costume, hair & makeup
- Performance
- Sound
- Cinematography
- Camera angles
- Camera movement
- Panning- camera remains still but twists on the spot.
- Tracking- camera physically moves.
- Zoom- the lenses move to bring you closer or further away.
- Camera shots
- Sound
- Editing
- Straight- One shots starts directly as the previous shot ends.
- Fade- The shot either fades to black or white.
- Lighting
- Mise-en-scene
- Performance
- Camera angles
- Score- a soundtrack written for a film.
- Soundtrack- featured within a film.
- Diegetic- coming from the world of the film.
- Non- diegetic- added to the film afterwards, during the editing.
- Straight- One shots starts directly as the previous shot ends.
- Dissolve- An image overlaps the previous image, gradually fading one shot in and the other out. The shot gradually becomes clear.
- Editing
- Fade- The shot either fades to black or white.
- Editing
- Denotation- the first level of analysis.
- Media Revision
- Modes of address- The way that media products speak to the audience
- Micro features- Cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound.
- Sound
- Media Revision
- Sub genre- A separate category of film that has elements of another genre. For example, slasher.
- Genre
- Hybrid genre- Two different genres that merge together. For example, action adventure.
- Genre
- Blog- a place to write personal opinions- website.
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