Medicine 1500 - 1700
- Created by: ash8642
- Created on: 11-03-18 12:15
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- Medicine 1500 - 1700
- Vesalius
- 1514
- Success to surgery was proper understanding
- Performed dissections
- 'Fabric of the Human Body'
- 1543
- Pointed out Galen's mistakes
- Encouraged others to question Galen
- Works printed and copied
- Thomas Sydenham
- "English Hippocrates"
- Practical experience
- Thought disease could be classified
- Showed scarlet fever was different to measles
- 'Medical Observations'
- 1676
- Used for 200 years after printing
- William Harvey
- 1578
- Royal College of Physicans
- Physicians for James I and Charles I
- Proved blood circulated
- 'On the Motions of the Heart and the Blood'
- 1628
- Map of how the body worked
- Blood transfusions attempted
- Rarely successful
- Wrong blood type / shock
- Rarely successful
- Not believed by everyone
- The Great Plague
- Broke out in 1665
- Death toll of 100,000
- People tried to flee
- Doctors / priests most affected
- Visited those with the Plague
- Ideas of causes
- Transference
- Miasma
- God
- Superstition
- Councils took action
- Quarantine those affected
- Crowded areas closed
- Mass graves
- Kill cats and dogs
- Great Fire of London 1666 helped wipe it out
- Royal Society
- Founded 1660
- Chaged perceptions
- Encouraged inquiring attitudes
- Supported by Charles II
- Important for spreading ideas
- Published magazine 'Philosophical Translations'
- Published Hooke's 'Micrographia' 1665
- Improvement
- Free hospitals
- New weapons = new injuries
- Find ways to treat these injuries
- Licensing of doctors
- College of Physicians
- 1518
- Exploration
- New ingredients for medicines
- Vesalius
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