- Created by: Archieyeo
- Created on: 25-04-19 16:17
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- Medicine
- World War
- WW1
- WW2
- Roman/Greek
- Hippocrates
- Clinical observations
- Involved doctors to be independent and use observation to deduce the illness
- A doctor should examine and monitor a patients symptoms to diagnose illness
- Hippocratic Oath
- Doctors take hippocratic oath that binds them to keep a set of ethical standards to treat patients
- Four humours
- To be healthy a person needed to have balanced humours.
- Diseases occur from humours being unbalanced
- Wrote books used for the next 2000 years
- Encouraged use of natural cures rather then mythical or natural
- Clinical observations
- Galen
- He wrote 500 books used for the next 1,500 years
- Monotheistic
- He only believed in one God. Even though he lived in the Roman Empire
- Christian Church supported his ideas f medicine. E.g human anatomy
- was against the church to question the findings on Galen
- Hippocrates
- Medival
- People who cured the ick
- Barber surgeon
- Needed to pay to get help from a barber surgeon
- Did minor operations, set broken bones, pulled teeth, blood let, sell medicine and cut hair
- Had to go through an apprenticeship to be qualified. No formal training
- Found in towns and cities but may travel
- Lady of the house
- Cured servants that he and her husband ruled over
- Not much medical care in medieval England so they had to help out
- Untitled
- Wise woman
- Went to wise women when they were unable to afford professional practitioners
- Passed on knowledge through generations.
- Found cures in herbs remedies and natural environment
- Was believed to be witches because of mixing herbs (potions)
- Believed sores could be cured by tieing worms around the neck and letting them die
- Apothecary
- Sold wine, spices and herbs
- Sold medicines and gave medical advice
- Trained through and apprenticship
- Was part of the grocers. Broke away to sell more medicine
- Barber surgeon
- People who cured the ick
- Islamic
- Modern Medicine
- Renessaince
- Began in Florence, Italy within the late 15th Century and lasted to the 18th century
- World War
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