Medicine Through Time
- Created by: SomeKindOfMagic
- Created on: 23-10-17 10:10
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- Medicine Through Time
- Medieval Period
- Treatments
- Purifying the Air
- Physicians - expensive
- Bloodletiing and Purging
- Herbal Remedies - from Apothecaries
- Prayer / Repentance
- Barber Surgeons
- Causes
- "Bad Planets"
- God
- Miasma
- 4 Humours
- Black Bile
- Phlegm
- Yellow Bile
- Blood
- Prevention
- Kings ordered towns to be cleaned
- Herbs "purify the air"
- People
- Galen
- Continued work on 4 humours and developed theory of opposites
- Hippocrates
- 4 Humours
- The Church
- Controlled medical books / learning
- Galen
- Black Death
- 1348
- Caused by fleas on rats - people didn't know that then
- Methods of prevention / treatment therefore unsuccessful
- Possibly 1/3 of Britain died
- Treatments
- Modern Day
- Treatment
- Antibiotics
- Magic Bullets
- Radio / Chemotherapy
- Successful operations
- With robots now!
- Transplants and Transfusions
- NHS from 1948
- Causes
- Germs
- Now in groups e.g. viruses
- Lifestyle
- Germs
- Prevention
- An array of vaccinations
- Lifestyle campaigns
- Genetic Screening
- People
- Alexander Fleming 1929
- Discovered Penicillin, the first antibiotic
- Couldn't make lots of it and no one really listened to him
- Florey and Chain found a way to mass produce it in America for soldiers
- Couldn't make lots of it and no one really listened to him
- Discovered Penicillin, the first antibiotic
- Martinus Beijernick 1898
- Discovered viruses
- Paul Ehrlich
- Discovered the first magic bullet - Salvarsan 606
- Watson and Crick
- Discovered the structure of DNA
- Alexander Fleming 1929
- Treatment
- Renaissance
- Treatment
- Causes
- Same as medieval
- Treatment
- Same as medieval
- Prevention
- Inoculation
- Quarantine
- Medieval methods
- People
- Andreas Versalius 1543
- Breakthrough in anatomy
- Showed Galen's mistakes - e.g. there weren't holes in the septum in the heart
- Led people to start challenging old ideas more
- William Harvey 1628
- Discovered the circulation of the blood
- Against what Galen said (e.g. blood was constantly made was proved wrong)
- However, it didn't make a big impact at the time
- Discovered the circulation of the blood
- William Harvey 1628
- William Harvey 1628
- Discovered the circulation of the blood
- Against what Galen said (e.g. blood was constantly made was proved wrong)
- However, it didn't make a big impact at the time
- Discovered the circulation of the blood
- Thomas Sydenham 1676
- Identified symptoms to diseases
- Observed patients
- However, Galen's ideas were still around
- Andreas Versalius 1543
- The Great Plague
- 1665
- 100,000 died - 20% of London
- Tried to prevent spread by quarantine and closing public areas
- The Great Fire may have helped eradicate it
- 1700s + 1800s
- Treatment
- Anaesthetics (e.g. chloroform) used in operations
- Still mainly herbal remedies
- Some hospitals with trained nurses
- Causes
- Germs
- Miasma still believed
- Prevention
- Antiseptics and Aseptic techniques
- Vaccination
- 1875 Public Health Act
- Health inspectors in towns
- Streets / sewers kept clean
- People
- John Snow 1855
- Showed cholera was waterborne
- Closed the Broad Street Pump and ended the outbreak at the time
- Edward Jenner 1796 / 1798
- Made the first vaccination for smallpox
- Didn't know why it worked so couldn't make more
- Louis Pasteur 1861
- Published Germ Theory
- Suggested they cause disease
- Took a while to identify certain bacteria and become useful
- Robert Koch helped find anthrax and other bacteria and make vaccination for them
- Published Germ Theory
- Joseph Lister 1860s
- Helped antiseptics (e.g. carbolic acid) become more widely used
- Florence Nightingale 1859
- Published Notes on Nursing
- Cleaned up hospitals in Crimean War
- Death rate went from 42% to 2%
- Made way for trained female nurses
- John Snow 1855
- Treatment
- Medieval Period
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