medicine through time exam
- Created by: Jessiew02
- Created on: 14-12-17 10:47
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- medicine through time
- explain one way in which people's reactions to the plague in Britain were similar in the 14th century and 17th centuries (4 marks)
- 14th century/ renaissance
- 17th century/ medieval
- due to god's punishment
- peoples attitudes were still based on the church
- lacked scientific knowledge
- due to god's punishment
- explain why there was so little change in medicine in the period 1250-1500
- church: major influence on people's idea bout what caused disease. -bible says god controlled all- including disease. -the church supported Galen- to argue with Galen was against the church.
- education: the church controlled education and the training of physicians -there were few physicians in England because training was 7 years and few could afford the cost
- government:-little money was spent on medical research -no money was spent to find medical breakthroughs -kings did order for towns to be cleaned but not regularly and they didn't pay for it.
- 'there was little change in medicine during the renaissance period c1500-c1700'--- How far do you agree?
- p1
- change: -external factors (outside the body) -the cause separate to the patient -focused more on miasma then religious reasons
- -changed how they thought -could then progress to make changes -help make treatments -have a better understanding
- continuity: -four humours (had no other options) -astrology -God's punishment -Miasma
- -therefore no change -didn't have any other options -nothing could be done about it
- change: -external factors (outside the body) -the cause separate to the patient -focused more on miasma then religious reasons
- p2
- change: -transference (transferred from one thing to another) -iatrochemistry (looking for chemical cures) -new ingredients (Asia, Brazil) -remedies from other countries -better education
- the majority changed -since church not as important -new theories tested -ones thought worked were used. therefore treatments didn't change as they had no other solutions
- continuity: -herbal remedies -physicians, apothecaries, surgeons
- -not much stayed the same -the people who helped to treat and only the herbal remedies (which still advanced since the new ingredients
- change: -transference (transferred from one thing to another) -iatrochemistry (looking for chemical cures) -new ingredients (Asia, Brazil) -remedies from other countries -better education
- p3
- change: -avoided bathing in public baths (syphilis) -practice moderation in all things.
- they knew the four humours were wrong but unable to find anything else to replace it. -the theory of cleanliness in a way worked
- continuity: -still used 4 humours theory -regimen sanitatis -cleanliness of the home and the body
- they thought that bathing opened up the pores of the skin, therefore the disease could attack. this was the start of discovering how disease could be prevented
- change: -avoided bathing in public baths (syphilis) -practice moderation in all things.
- p1
- explain one way in which people's reactions to the plague in Britain were similar in the 14th century and 17th centuries (4 marks)
- flagellants
- pray for forgiveness
- peoples attitudes were still based on the church
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