medicine through time
- Created by: basillium
- Created on: 18-04-23 19:25
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- Medicine stands still (Medieval)
- key individuals
- Galen
- Roman doctor
- AD129
- Influenced by Hippocrates
- Theory of opposites
- Influenced by Hippocrates
- opposite actions to balance humours
- eg. if you had a cold, eat spicy and hot foods
- Studied anatomy
- dissected pigs + monkeys
- church didnt allow human dissection
- discovered brain controlled the body as opposed to the heart
- mistakes
- said jaw bone is two seperate bones (its actually one)
- blood passed through tiny holes in septum
- later proved to be veins and arteries by Harvey
- dissected pigs + monkeys
- Roman doctor
- Hippocrates
- Greek doctor
- 460BC
- 'Father of modern medicine'
- Hippocratic oath
- Doctors promise that they will try not to harm patient
- Still used today
- oath of confidentiality
- clinical observation of patient (not just of illness)
- Hippocratic oath
- created idea of four humours
- body made up of blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile
- encouraged doctors to seek natural causes and remedies
- Greek doctor
- physicians
- medieval doctors
- Galen
- Beliefs of causes of disease
- natural
- four humours
- when imbalanced it would cause illness
- body made up of blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile
- linked to seasons
- when imbalanced it would cause illness
- misama
- four humours
- supernatural
- God
- illness = punishment of sin
- planets not aligned
- God
- natural
- key individuals
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