HCI- Meeting the Needs of Expert & Novice Users
- Created by: lauren778
- Created on: 26-02-18 09:42
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- Meeting the Needs of Expert & Novice Users
- Expert
- Wants to get job done in shortest possible time.
- Provide shortcuts
- Type at high speed and can memorise key combinations
- This is faster than clicking on icons or going through series of windows
- Customise the interface to suit their needs - build in your own macros for repetitive tasks
- Novice
- Priority will be ease of learning and intuitivity
- Provide tutorials and easy access to help eg. F1
- Step by step approach - complicated tasks need wizards
- GUI interface - tend to stick to a mouse or touch screen
- Clear navigational structure
- Colour schemes make it easier to use ie. showing routes through programs
- Eg. Hyperlinks always blue, next always green, stop always red.
- Colour schemes make it easier to use ie. showing routes through programs
- Expert
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