Memory (Part 2)
- Created by: gabbyvine03
- Created on: 09-12-19 18:58
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- Memory
- Eyewitness Testimony
- Loftus (2003)
- Recall of eye witnesses is often inaccurate
- Car accident study
- The Cognitive Interview
- Info is organised so that memories can be assessed in a number of ways
- Memories are context dependent, retrieval will be more effective if the cues present at the time of storage is reinstated
- Loftus (2003)
- Misleading information: Loftus and Palmer (1974)
- The wording of the questions asked affected the judgments of speed and did reduce the accuracy of EWT
- Post-event Discussion: Gabbert et al (2003)
- The results highlight the issue of post-event discussion and the powerful effect this can have on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
- The effect of anxiety on EWT
- Yerkes-Dodson Law
- An increase in anxiety improves performance but only up to a certain point
- Poorer memory due to the heightened anxiety
- Weapon Focus: Loftus (1979)
- The presence of a weapon will increase anxiety
- PS were less accurate in the second condition as they were focusing on the weapon which would have heightened their anxiety levels
- Yerkes-Dodson Law
- Eyewitness Testimony
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