Mental Health Act
- Created by: Aimee2003
- Created on: 02-12-18 13:13
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- Mental Health Act 2007
- aims to protect those who are at risk of themselves or others
- provides the legal authourity for a person to be taken to a legal place for assesment
- provides a definition for a mental disorder
- gives rights to those with a mental disorder
- sends out safguards for the person with the mental disorder
- sectioning
- sectioning is where a person is taken to be hospital and treated against their wishes
- sectioning
- sends out safguards for the person with the mental disorder
- gives rights to those with a mental disorder
- this can only happen when they have a mental disorder which puts people in harm
- also three specially trained people agree tha the person puts people at risk
- when someone is sectioned they can be given treatment if they dont want it and they have the right to an advocate.
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