Mental Illnesses
- Created by: meghampton
- Created on: 24-05-17 10:31
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- Mental Illnesses
- Statistical Infrequency
- a mathematical method for defining abnormality
- based on the idea that abnormality is based on infrequency
- mathematical element is based on the idea human attributes fall into a normal distribution within the population
- there's a central average and the population fall above or below that mean
- Limitations
- Inflexible - some behaviours that are seen as abnormal would not be considered abnormal according to the scale/graph
- way we define mental disorders and the way the definition works are at odds with each other
- Abnormal behaviours occur frequently - therefore should not be considered as an 'infrequency'
- possibly inaccurate?
- no consideration for different cultures
- supposed to work for population of the world but many cultures differ
- a behaviour normal in UK could be abnormal in different culture
- Inflexible - some behaviours that are seen as abnormal would not be considered abnormal according to the scale/graph
- Deviation from Social Norms
- every society has social norms - standards of expected behaviour
- abnormality - behaving in was that disagree with the norms of society
- if you don't follow the 'unwritten rules' of society, you are considered abnormal
- Limitations
- difficult to separate eccentric behaviour from abnormal behaviour
- context dependent - behaviour needs to be assessed in relation to the context where it is being observed
- social norms are continually changing - definition is era dependent
- if norms continually change so should our understanding of mental health
- varying cultures
- type of anxiety disorder
- extreme form of fear/anxiety triggered by a particular situation/ object
- scared even when there's no danger, may feel extreme anxiety just thinking/ talking about it
- fear becomes phobia: 1. fear is out of proportion to the danger 2. lasts more than 6 months 3. significant impact on every day life
- Symptoms
- Physical
- unsteady/ dizzy/nausea
- heart palpitations
- sweating/ hot + cold flushes
- shortness of breath
- shaking
- Psycho- logical
- feel out of touch with reality
- fear of fainting
- fear of losing control
- fear of dying
- Physical
- Causes
- particular incidents/ traumas
- learned responses - picked up in early life from parents, siblings etc.
- Genetics - research suggests some people are more vulnerable to develop phobias
- long term stress - reduces ability to cope in certain situations
- Treatments
- Exposure Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Anti depressants
- Tranquilisers
- Symptoms
- Positive
- delusions - strong beliefs others don't share
- and additional behaviour as a result of the condition
- hallucinations - hearing voices/seeing things
- disordered thought - can't organise or express thoughts
- Negative
- behaviours you stop having as a result of the condition
- lack of interest in things
- disconnected from your feelings
- difficulty concentrating
- not wanting to look after yourself
- no motivation
- Positive
- Possible Causes
- stressful life events
- recreational drugs
- genetics - more likely to develop if parents have it
- chemicals in the brain
- behave differently for people with schizophrenia
- dopamine levels
- Treatments
- CBT - ease stress, manage positive symptoms
- medication - antipsychotics
- family interventions
- Art therapies
- Symptoms
- Statistical Infrequency
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