Meta Ethics- Emotivism
- Created by: _bella_
- Created on: 24-04-19 21:18
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- Emotivism
- Strengths
- Morals are absolute. therefore not easily changed
- They are meaningful and verifiable as they have meaning to an individual, thus making them verified
- Criticisms
- Rachels- I don't like the colour orange is different to saying I don't agree w/ abortion
- Beliefs aren't universalisable (goes against Kantian ethics)
- It argues that everyone's opinion is equally valid, thus any action can be justified- regardless of the opinion of others
- Summary
- Proposed by Ayer (a logical positivist)- argued ethical statements were just ways of expressing emotion
- Analytical/ synthetic statements only true statements
- All statements are meaningless unless they can be verified/ falsified
- A moral statements is a subjective expression- so saying murder is wrong is a matter of opinion.
- Stevenson- adapted Ayer by saying that moral statements aren't without reason, instead they are based on beliefs of how the world will work.
- Strengths
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