Metabolism:Major Metabolic Pathways
- Created by: jessica
- Created on: 12-12-12 08:13
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- Metabolism:Major Metabolic Pathways
- Glycogen
- g proteins transmit signal for initiation of the breakdown
- conversion occurs in the liver
- Degradation has three stages
- Glucagon and adrenaline trigger breakdown
- Synthesis needs a primer
- Gluconeogenesis
- synthesis of glucose
- not the reversal of Glycolysis
- Oxidative phosphorylation
- deltaG=n.F.deltaEo
- is the oxidation of NADH
- recycling of ATP, taking place in electron transport chain
- goes through complex 1,3 and 4
- Glycolysis
- has three stages
- metabolizes one molecule of glucose to 2 molecules of pyruvate with the net production of 2ATP
- Fischer projection
- Horizontal line is bonds extending out of the plane of the page
- Represents stereocenter as a cross
- Vertical line is the bonds extending into the plane of the page
- Metabolising Ethanol
- Use of alcohol dehyrdogenase enzyme in the cytoplasm of cells
- Leads to accumulation of NADH, inhibiting gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation
- Use of aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme in the mitochondria
- Thermodynamics
- 1st law energy cannot be created or destroyed
- 2nd law total entropy must increase for spontaneous reactions to occur
- Gibb's free energy-deltaG=deltaH-TdeltaS
- Phosphofructo-kinase
- activity increases as ATP/AMP ratio is lowered
- decreasing pHinhibits it
- important control site in glycolytic pathway
- Catalytic Stratergies
- Catalysis by approximation
- Acid-base Catalysis
- Metal ion catalysis
- Covalent catalysis
- Regulation
- Untitled
- Glycogen
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