metal structures and properities

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  • metal structure and properties
    • Properties can either be physical or chemical
      • physical: aspect of matter that can be observed or measured without changing it
        • hard
        • good conductors of electricty
        • high melting / boiling points
        • High tensile strength (resist being stretched)
      • chemical:  may only be observed by changing the chemical  identity of a substance
        • reacting with other chemicals
        • flamibility
        • heat combustion
        • oxidation states
    • properties make metals useful for many purposes
      • iron
        • the iron is hard
        • high tensile strength
        • used in bridges
      • copper
        • used in wiring
        • good at conducting electricity
    • superconductors
      • matrials that have little to no resistance
        • silver, gold and copper would be one because they are not very good at being super conductors
      • when materials go from normal to superconducors
        • they no longer have a magnetic filed inside of it
        • if a small magnet is brought near a superconductor it will repell
        • if a small permanent magnet  is a above a superconductor it will levitate
      • benefits
        • low free power tramision
        • super fast electron circuit
        • powerful electromagnets
      • used in hospitals
        • MIR's
    • metallic bounding
      • metals have strong metallic bonding. this enables them to have
        • high melting points
        • high boiling points
      • the bonds between the atoms are hard to break
        • due to this a lot of energy is need to break the bondings
        • when the metals start to conduct electricity the electrons start to move
      • certain metals that are good at conducting electricity are :
        • silver
        • copper
        • gold




Harber Metal is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, production, and service of MIM Partsmetal powder injection molding (MIM) and ceramic powder injection molding (CIM). The company has a production workshop of over 10,800 square meters and a production team of more than 350 people. We have a complete production system from design, mold making, material preparation, sintering, machining, polishing, and assembly.


Harber Metal is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, production, and service of <a href="">MIM Parts</a>metal powder injection molding (MIM) and ceramic powder injection molding (CIM). The company has a production workshop of over 10,800 square meters and a production team of more than 350 people. We have a complete production system from design, mold making, material preparation, sintering, machining, polishing, and assembly.

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