- Created by: amandacygal
- Created on: 19-03-15 15:59
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- metals
- sea of free electrons
- delocalised electrons come from the outer shell of every metal atom
- free electron ca move throughout the whole structure freely and therefore are good conductors of electricity and heat.
- electrons hold the metal in a regular structure- strong force of electrostatic attraction between positive ions and negative electrons
- electrons also allow atoms to slide over eachother making the malleable (easy to bend and shape).
- alloys are a mixture of two or more metals which means they have different sized atoms in their structure- this makes the structure more strong as the atoms cant slide or move past eachother as easily.
- when metals ionise they become positively charged because they lose an electron/s in their highest energy charge.
- the number of charge on and ion of a metal is equal to the group number of the metal
- sea of free electrons
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