Metals and Alloys
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: markalex
- Created on: 10-01-15 15:01
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- Metals and Alloys
- Types of metal
- There are five important types of material used in manufacturing
- Metals, composites, wood, ceramics and polymers
- Alloys
- An alloy is a special composite material made from two or more elemnts
- Aluminium
- Titanium alloy is as strong as steel , but much less dense, making it far more suitable for aircraft frames
- light alloy aircraft need less fuel to lift them of the ground and fly
- Properties of metals
- Strong
- With high tensile strength
- good electrical and thermal conductors
- Hard
- Difficult to dent or scratch
- Stiff
- Not flexible
- Malleable
- Untitled
- Strong
- Models for metals
- All atoms consiswt of a positive nucleus, surrounded by negative elctrons, unlike other elements, the outer
- Unlike other elements, the outer electons of metals are not attracted very strongly by their nucleus
- Steel
- Steel is an alloy of iron containing carbon and various other alloying elements, like manganese, chronum vanadium and tungstn
- Adding more thane 11% chronium stops steel rusting
- Types of metal
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