methods in context
- Created by: IvyVega
- Created on: 26-02-18 17:37
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- methods in context
- mark scheme
- Level 0
- answers just about education
- issue only answer
- level 1
- methods only response
- level 2
- applies method to research characteristics of group.
- method and application to studying the group in general
- level 3
- applies method to the specific issue
- Level 0
- potential research methods
- primary
- self report studies
- victim surveys
- questionnaires
- observations
- covert
- overt
- experiments
- field
- lab
- interviews
- group
- unstructured
- structured
- secondary
- official statistics
- personal documents
- public documents
- primary
- things to think about
- legal issues
- ethics
- access
- power relationships
- availability of secondary data
- questions to ask yourself
- is it easy to access the group to research
- do you have to go through gatekeepers
- will your personal characteristics cause any issues
- are there any ethical constrained with researching the particular group
- is communication likely to be easy or difficult
- is the group more or less likely to deliberately try to present themselves in particular ways
- will recording the data be easy or difficult
- mark scheme
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