Microbiology 3-4
- Created by: Amber Manley
- Created on: 09-01-14 10:34
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- Microbiology 3-4
- Bacterial Shapes
- coccobacillus (Oval)
- cocci (circular)
- staphylococci (bunch or grapes)
- streptococci (line of grapes)
- Comma (vibrios)
- Spiral Few (spirillium)
- Spiral many (spirochaetes)
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Amplifies DNA
- Can detect bacteria from small samples
- Growth
- unicellular
- multicellular
- Growth in the individual
- Binary Fission
- chromosome division, cell lengthening
- chromosome divided, cell lenghtened, ingrowth of envelope
- cross wall completed
- daughter cells separate
- Bacterial Growth
- Is logorithmic
- Nox2n=N
- Limiting factors
- available nutrients
- available space
- growth inhibiting toxins
- predation
- competition
- Is logorithmic
- Measuring Growth
- Directly
- Counting the Cells
- Microscope
- without staining, can't differentiate living or dead cells
- sample must be concentrated
- no record for later studies
- easy
- suitable for non-culturable bacteria
- rapid results
- Flow cytometer
- plate counts
- detects viable bacteria
- detects lower numbers
- can be saved
- time consuming
- requires prior knowledge of the bacteria
- slow
- Indirectly
- estimating numbers based on an indirect measurement of growth
- optical density
- Advantages
- very rapid
- simple
- cheap
- disadvantages
- inaccurate
- live and dead cells measured
- not applicable for pigmented samples
- dependent on cell size and pigmentation
- Advantages
- dry weight
- measuring respiration
- Directly
- Chimera
- organism with tissues from two different ancestories
- Protozoa
- properties
- eukaryotic
- unicellular
- no cell wall
- chimera
- microscopic
- motile
- slime moulds
- eukaryotic cells resembling amoebae
- aggregate into slug like colonies when nutrients are scarce
- fungal and amoebael characteristics
- Phagocytic
- obtain nutrients by endocytosis
- engulfing food
- obtain nutrients by endocytosis
- Many uncharacteristic traits of eukaryotes
- earliest eukaryotes
- most are chemoheterotrophs
- obtain nutrients by breaking down complex organic compounds
- properties
- evolution of Eukaryotes
- membrane infolding
- parts of the plasma membrane fold back into the cell
- endosymbiosis
- small prokaryotes engulfed by larger prokaryoyes
- evolved into mitochondria and chloroplasts
- membrane infolding
- Bacterial Shapes
- Bacillus (Rod)
- Bacterial Shapes
- coccobacillus (Oval)
- cocci (circular)
- staphylococci (bunch or grapes)
- streptococci (line of grapes)
- Comma (vibrios)
- Spiral Few (spirillium)
- Spiral many (spirochaetes)
- Bacterial Shapes
- increase in number of cells or individuals
- unicellular
- Phases of growth
- Bacterial Growth
- Is logorithmic
- Nox2n=N
- Limiting factors
- available nutrients
- available space
- growth inhibiting toxins
- predation
- competition
- Is logorithmic
- Lag Phase
- Slow
- Time to start cell functions
- chemical composition of the cells necessary for growth established
- Exponential Phase
- Exponential Groth
- Cells growing at the max rate
- nutrients in excess
- consume nutrients and release toxins, altering the growth environment
- Stationary Phase
- stable
- some growth, some death
- metabolites produced after active growth here e.g. antibiotics
- sporulation can occur here
- Death Phase
- Population decreases
- death>growth
- Bacterial Growth
- nuclear envelope and organelle created this way
- membrane infolding
- parts of the plasma membrane fold back into the cell
- membrane infolding
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