Microbiology 5-6
- Created by: Amber Manley
- Created on: 11-01-14 10:54
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- Microbiology 5-6
- methods to culture viruses
- Cell cultures
- living animals
- Viruses
- need other cells to multiply
- bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) easier to grow
- antibiotics don't work
- have no metabolism
- drugs would interfere with virus multiplication
- would also affect host cells, so too toxic for use
- very small
- genetic information usually encoded as one linear or circular piece of DNA or RNA
- Never both
- protein coat surround the nucleic acid
- uses cells synthesising machinery
- types
- polyhedral
- helical
- enveloped
- bacteriophage
- biosynthesis
- use cells machinery
- ribosomes
- tRNAs
- use cells raw materials
- nucleotides
- amino acids
- energy
- use cells machinery
- vaccination
- attenuated (weakened)
- inactivated (dead)
- sub units, only antigens
- conjugate vaccine
- combination of protein and antigens
- nucleic acid injection
- prevention
- antiviral drugs
- change of attitudes
- slaughter of infected animals
- restrictions
- control of vectors
- Viral infection cycle (lytic cycle)
- attachment
- degradation of host DNA
- synthesis of viral genome
- self assembly
- destroys host cell
- viral DNA separate to host DNA
- lysogenic cycle
- attachment
- viral DNA enters cell
- viral DNA integrates with host DNA
- integrated prophage replicated
- doesn't kill host cell
- latent virus
- can initiate lytic cycle due to environmental factors
- Fungi
- what are they
- eukaryotes
- have membrane bound organelles and nucleus
- can be
- saprotrophs
- eat dead organic matter
- parasitic
- obtain nutrients from other organisms
- mutualistic
- saprotrophs
- eukaryotes
- cytoplasmic streaming
- unrestricyed and bidirectional flow of protoplasm through filaments
- water, nutrients, molecular signals
- enables communication and continuity
- septal plugs can block septal pores if damaged
- dimorphism
- exhibit two forms
- filamentous
- yeast
- asexual reproduction
- hyphael fragmentation
- production of spores
- mitosis
- condiospores and sporangiospores
- Budding
- adaptations
- ph 5 optimum
- resistant to osmotic pressure
- grow in high salt/sugar
- grow low moisture
- less nitrogen
- metabolise lichen
- chytriodiomycota
- zoospores ahve motility
- live in water/soil
- zygomycota
- saprotrophs
- sexual reproduction (zygosporangium)
- asexual reproduction (sporangium)
- ascomycota
- asexual (condiospores)
- basiodiomycota
- saprotrophs
- asexual production
- uses
- yeasts
- baking and brewing
- antibiotics
- organic acids
- steroids and hormones
- cheeses
- yeasts
- what are they
- methods to culture viruses
- embryonated eggs
- methods to culture viruses
- Cell cultures
- living animals
- methods to culture viruses
- simple, small genome
- Viruses
- need other cells to multiply
- bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) easier to grow
- antibiotics don't work
- have no metabolism
- drugs would interfere with virus multiplication
- would also affect host cells, so too toxic for use
- very small
- genetic information usually encoded as one linear or circular piece of DNA or RNA
- Never both
- protein coat surround the nucleic acid
- uses cells synthesising machinery
- types
- polyhedral
- helical
- enveloped
- bacteriophage
- biosynthesis
- use cells machinery
- ribosomes
- tRNAs
- use cells raw materials
- nucleotides
- amino acids
- energy
- use cells machinery
- Viruses
- enzymes
- injection of viral DNA/RNA
- Viral infection cycle (lytic cycle)
- attachment
- degradation of host DNA
- synthesis of viral genome
- self assembly
- destroys host cell
- viral DNA separate to host DNA
- Viral infection cycle (lytic cycle)
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