Microbiology and Man
- Created by: Amber Manley
- Created on: 14-01-14 12:13
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- Microbiology and Man
- metabolism
- respiration
- krebs cycle
- glycolysis
- electron transport chain
- redox reactions
- anaerobic respiration
- stops after glycolysis
- fermentation
- conversion of carbohydrates to acids and alcohols
- respiration
- oxygen
- obligate aerobes
- need oxygen
- facultative aerobes
- prefers anaerobic, but can use oxygen
- obligate anaerobes
- cannot survive in oxygen
- facultative anaerobes
- prefer aerobic, but can anaeobic
- microaerophilic
- requires oxygen, only tolerate small amounts
- obligate aerobes
- nutrient uptake
- facilitated diffusion
- passive pathway
- diffusion
- nutrient uptake
- facilitated diffusion
- passive pathway
- diffusion
- diffusion
- passive pathway
- active transport
- phosphorus
- nucleic acids, phospholipids
- sulphur
- amino acids, vitamins, enzymes
- calcium
- stabilise cell walls
- tungsten
- synthesis amino acids
- facilitated diffusion
- nutrient uptake
- diffusion
- passive pathway
- active transport
- phosphorus
- nucleic acids, phospholipids
- sulphur
- amino acids, vitamins, enzymes
- calcium
- stabilise cell walls
- tungsten
- synthesis amino acids
- facilitated diffusion
- waterborne diseases
- sources
- freshwater
- seawater
- routes of entry
- gastrointestinal
- skin
- respiratory
- cholera
- vibrio cholerae
- large dose needed
- occurs in areas of poverty
- diarrhoea
- toxin acts on cells of gut lining
- causes influx of water in lumen of gut
- Typhoid Fever
- salmonella typhi
- person to person
- fever, abdominal pain, headache, rash
- Norwalk Virus
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps
- common in UK
- cryptosporidium parvum
- caused by a protozoan parasite
- highly infectious
- abdominal pain, diarrhoea
- most food safe
- legionaire's disease
- pneumonia caused by legionella pneumophilia
- inhale air containing water droplets
- leptospirosis
- leptospira interrogans
- animals excrete into water, bacteria enter through skin
- influenza like
- sources
- Foodborne diseases
- factors
- availability of nutrients
- antimicrobial agents e.g. garlic
- low water activity
- resistance to decay
- allicin
- host defences
- acidic conditions of gut
- proteolytic enzymes
- bile salts
- rapid flow/turnover of material
- natural microflora
- bacillus cereus
- enterotoxin causes vomiting
- microorganism causes diarrhoea
- factors
- metabolism
- pyruvate and NADH to lactic acid and NAD+
- anaerobic respiration
- stops after glycolysis
- in plants, ethanol instead of lactic acid, and CO2
- anaerobic respiration
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