Migration, refugees and tourists
- Created by: Joseph Timoney-Smith
- Created on: 19-04-15 12:51
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- Migrants, refugees and tourists
- Migration (1)
- Schiller: migrants often live their lives in more than one nation state at the same time and simultaneously part of a group oflands
- They move for education, employment or a better quality of life
- Social and cultural impact on local population
- Tensions over jobs/national health and social care (e.g. the EU and UKIP's rising popularity)
- The rise of ethnic conflicts
- Providing employment that is needed (similar to Australia's requirement based entry system)
- Local population is faced with new religions, values and foods
- Tensions over jobs/national health and social care (e.g. the EU and UKIP's rising popularity)
- Consequences for migrants
- Ballard found that there would changes in kinship structures
- Culutre freeze as ethnic groups enclave themselves - a home away from home
- Gidden's found that some may mix cultheir cultures with things they like andd discard those they don't
- Deterritorialisation - whereculutral norms transend boundires despite a world in motion
- Localisation - can the setteling area of the migrants be affected by others?
- Schiller: migrants often live their lives in more than one nation state at the same time and simultaneously part of a group oflands
- Tourism
- Impacts of tourism on host countries
- Positives
- Gives jobs
- It enables ethnic minorities to profit from their culture (Comaroff)
- It encourages national pride and unity
- Negative
- Raises cost in the area
- Causes strain on resources and more pollution
- It creates seaonal jobs which have peaks and troughs of economic benefit
- Positives
- Impacts of tourism on host countries
- Refugees
- The Kurds, Syrians and Tutsi have been major ethnic groups who have become refugee's due to recent conflicts
- Disapora's, the movement of large groups of people, is important
- L.Cho: Are collectivists and communities who are not quite race or nation but together extend across geographical spaces and historical experiences
- The Hutu and Tutsis conflict was fueled by French colonisers, over million people died in genocides within Rwanda
- Over 500,000 Tutsi's were forced to flee
- Migration (2)
- May face issues with identity as their culture is deterritoralisied and then the global culture (hemgongy of the Western culture) reterritorialises them
- Political issues (gender, racism, decriminalization) and economic issues (deprivation, dependency, remittance and GDP)
- Impact on host countries/communities
- Being transnational, migrants may face problems with a new way of life. They have to adpot new working practices, ethics, inequality, hierachies, etc)
- May face issues with identity as their culture is deterritoralisied and then the global culture (hemgongy of the Western culture) reterritorialises them
- Migration (1)
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