Geography mind map
- Created by: Kierapatel
- Created on: 12-04-14 11:55
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- Indonesia
- South East Asia
- Has 17,000 islands
- North of Austrlia
- Capital city is Jakarta
- South East Asia
- Indonesia
- Why are people moving around Indonesia?
- Over a million people have resettled in West Papua , which could led to Papua becoming over populated.
- 20.000 people have taken advantage of this programme.
- Settlements were often poorly planned.
- Transmigration has been blamed for accelerating rate of deforestation.
- People want to move to rual areas because of jobs.
- Indonesia is split into two areas, the richer side/area and the poorer side/area.
- Birth control programmes have led to slowing down population growth within Indonesia.
- North of Austrlia
- Capital city is Jakarta
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