Miles Davis ~ All Blues from Kind of Blue, 1959.
- Created by: Grace Elliott
- Created on: 05-04-13 14:28
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- Miles Davis ~ All Blues from Kind of Blue, 1959.
- Structure
- 12 bar blues chord sequence
- Main melody is the head, played by trumpet and heard at start and end.
- Melody
- Head melody is simple and characterised by rising 6th (D-B)
- TRUMPET: Lasts four choruses made up of short syncopated motifs.
- ALTO SAX: lasts four choruses, uses quicker notes and wider range then trumpet.
- TENOR SAX: lasts four choruses, uses fast scales and quick runs. Very virtuosic.
- PIANO: lasts 2 choruses, much calmer improvisation than others with simple melody and s string of parallel chords.
- Tonality and harmony
- Piece is in G minor, but has flattened 7th (blue note)
- Same as being in mixolydian mode, why we can describe piece as modal jazz.
- Based on 12 bar blues.
- Dynamics
- Trumpet solo 2 has a higher dynamic range.
- In head 1 the trumpet plays legato mainly in its middle register.
- The intro all the parts play quietly with a breathy tone
- Everyone fades out for the outro.
- Texture
- Cobb improvises how he hits the ride cymbal to create changes in the texsure.
- With soloists playing over accompaniment by piano and rhythm section.
- The change in texture is used to highlight interesting chords.
- Structure
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