Milestone Chart for Language Development
- Created by: chloayboo15
- Created on: 25-03-15 22:38
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- Milestone Chart for Language Development
- 3-6 months
- Enjoy making sounds - laugh, squeal, gurgle, coo
- Start to make consonant sounds because they're easy to make with no teeth
- By 6 months, they start to imitate sounds
- 6-9 months
- Babble
- Vocalize more in other ways than crying
- Notice progression in babies talking abilities
- Stringing together chains of vowel-consonant sounds
- Utterances
- 9-12 months
- Start to say first words
- Very talented at multisyllable babbling and imitating sounds
- Imitate tone and inflection in parents voice
- Words such as "mama" and "dada" clearly have meaning to infants, some may say them by the time they turn 1
- Dada is more common as "da" is easier to say than "ma"
- Babies develop improved non-verbal communication skills
- Start to communicate verbally, seem to understand and intereact more
- Learn response to simple questions such as "where's mummy?"
- 12-18 months
- Continue to improve their communication skills
- By 12-15 months, the average child says 2 or more words besides "dada" and "mama"
- Some 18 month olds will even begin to put 2 words together
- Most toddlers can imitate animal sounds
- Recognize objects by name
- Follow commands
- Making great strides in communicating at this age, toddlers can become frustrated because they can understand a lot more than they can say
- 3-6 months