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  • Mindfulness
    • It is about recognising how you think
      • Helps you realise that most of our thinking isn't actually true
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is about challenging negative thinking
      • Mindfulness CBT: Evidence based: Recurrent Depression
    • Where as Mindfulness is about noticing that you are thinking negetively
      • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is about challenging negative thinking
        • Mindfulness CBT: Evidence based: Recurrent Depression
    • Clinical Application: Not letting people get caught up in their thoughts and opening up possibilities to them
    • Oak House
      • Many residents have troublesome mental experience which persists depsite medication
        • Residual Symptoms
      • Mindfulness incorporates an exposure technique, e.g. Stay with the voices don't ignore them
      • Enables calm but clear thinking, but is not a relaxation technique, because the mind is present
      • For both patients and staff it creates an awareness of self
    • It helps you live an intentional life, to you own values, e.g. connecting with nature, getting a job outside.
      • Oak House
        • Many residents have troublesome mental experience which persists depsite medication
          • Residual Symptoms
        • Mindfulness incorporates an exposure technique, e.g. Stay with the voices don't ignore them
        • Enables calm but clear thinking, but is not a relaxation technique, because the mind is present
        • For both patients and staff it creates an awareness of self
    • DBT: three characteristics of mindfulness: Dont judge, One minded; avoid divided attention, being wise.
    • Acceptance Behavioural Therapy
      • ACCEPTANCE: right now, this is what is happening.
    • Peter Chadwick: Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Originates from Religion: Buddism


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