moderate liberal opposition
- Created by: tash.baines
- Created on: 02-06-21 15:10
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- moderate liberal opposition
- Russia contained few literate and educated Russians
- number and influence grew with changes of later 19th century
- had wealth and time to consider political matters
- many travelled abroad and despaired at Russia's political and social stagnation
- some believed in philosophical ideas
- nihilism
- anarchism
- westernisers
- wanted Russia to adopt western values
- hoped for western-style economic and military reform
- favoured representative assemblies
- civil liberties
- less power to the orthodox church
- expressed views through zemstva
- hoped increase in local decision-making would lead to greater national representation
- disappointed by Alex III's zemstva restriction powers in 1890
- slavophiles
- wanted to preserve Russian culture and heritage as country modernised
- preferred to retain peasant-based society
- wanted to preserve principles of orthodox church
- influence declined in 1890s
- industrialisation progressed
- western-style socialist movements began to grow
- 1891-1892 famine significant point in opposition growth
- government failed to provide adequate relief
- zemstva largely assumed responsibility for improving conditions
- intelligentsia demanded greater role in public affairs
- renewed zemstva-led calls for national body to advise government
- intelligentsia split by 1890s
- some remained liberals
- continued hoping for tsardom reform
- others attracted by Marxist theory and socialism
- some remained liberals
- Russia contained few literate and educated Russians
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