How to calculate the number of moles
in solids, liquids and gases
- Created by: Antonia Loizou
- Created on: 08-10-13 15:11
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- Moles
- Liquids
- number of moles= v x c/ 1000
- If the volume of the liquid is cm3
- number of moles= v x c/ 1000
- Gases
- number of moles= moles / 24
- It is 24,000 if the volume is given in cm3 rather than dm3
- number of moles= moles / 24
- Liquids
- Solids
- Moles
- Liquids
- number of moles= v x c/ 1000
- If the volume of the liquid is cm3
- number of moles= v x c/ 1000
- Gases
- number of moles= moles / 24
- It is 24,000 if the volume is given in cm3 rather than dm3
- number of moles= moles / 24
- Liquids
- number of moles = mass ( in grams) / Mr
- Moles
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