Monarchy and Kingship in Medieval Period (1)
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 30-05-18 16:05
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- Monarchy and Kingship in Medieval Period (1)
- In one region of Europe, Monarchy did not exist - Italian peninsula
- All independent kingdoms in their own right
- Did fall in remit of Holy Roman Empire
- Republic of Florence, Siena, Venice
- Ruled by Oligarchy
- Leading citizens or merchants
- Worked well in Italy because Italian city states were so powerful
- Very difficult for single ruler to centralise and bring these states together
- Defended their independence
- Ruled by Oligarchy
- 3 categories of Monarchy
- Notional Kingship
- Holy Roman Empire
- Why Holy?
- Why Empire?
- Consequences
- Holy Roman Empire
- Feudal Kingship
- France
- Sovereign Kingship
- England
- Notional Kingship
- Monarchical system widely accepted to be best system to rule by
- Creates harmony between leading nobles of that kingdom
- Contemporaries favour monarchy for offering focus for common interest
- Through King taxation can be raised and other things that are of common interest
- What made the Monarchy?
- Medieval Kings should not be compared to C20th despots
- King had to rule according to certain standards and expectations
- Rule and position defined by certain, clearly expressed parameters
- First expectation of king
- he would have royal blood
- Tended to legitimise and strengthen king's position
- he would have royal blood
- Second expectation of King
- A Christian prince
- Good morals
- Supporter and defender of church
- Monarch swears to defend Holy Church
- Doesn't automatically mean a successful king
- e.g. the highly pious Henry VI (who was usurped due to being a poor ruler)
- A Christian prince
- Third expectation of King
- King should be a peacemaker
- Leadership counts greatly here
- Peacemaking exists on two levels
- Kings making peace with other kings
- Law and Justice
- Peace within a King's own kingdom
- Has to ensure legal system works - otherwise anarchy will ensue
- King should be a peacemaker
- Fourthly, King has to be a hero
- Henry V
- Considered by many to be best King ever - was a great warrior
- Chivalry
- people aspire to this ideal
- Henry V
- When Kings do not live up to these ideals]
- What extent did subjects have the power to intervene when Monarch fails to follow these ideals?
- Vital man on the throne has qualities to rule properly
- In one region of Europe, Monarchy did not exist - Italian peninsula
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