- Created by: _Courtney
- Created on: 13-11-17 20:17
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- Montgomery authorities had an error of judgment
- people used cars but police began to harasse people and arrest the drivers
- Boycotters faced intimidation
- extreme violence towards boycotters even fire bombed MLK house
- 90 leaders of MIA arrested for illegal boycott and were found guilty but not charged
- END. Federal court accepted segregation was unconstitutional but Montgomery city officials appealed and case went o supreme court
- BEGINNING. segregation on public transport was a problem
- Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat for a white man
- 5th December- Montgomery Woman's Political council had a one day boycott of buses
- Ralph Abernathy and Martin Luther King Jr got involved- planned rallies
- Montgomery Important Association was established to maintain boycott, oversee continuation and improve race relations
- 20,000 people were involved in boycott
- 7,000 attended the planned rally and herd M.L.K speech
- Rosa Parks was fined $10
- MIA carried out boycotts until demands were met(complete de-segregation on buses)
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