Mormonism Mindmap
- Created by: Chloe
- Created on: 20-03-13 17:16
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- Mormonism
- Start of it all
- Joseph Smith claimed to have been visited by an angel called Moroni, when he was 14.
- Start of it all
- She told him about missing stories from the bible on gold plates and hidden in the mountains.
- Smith wrote down the stories and published them as the Book of Mormon in 1830.
- The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints had began.
- Good public speaker and attracted a few followers, but he was seen as a fraud and chased out of New York State.
- Development
- Mormonism
- Lived in Ohio called Kirtland and paid 10% of income to church.
- Mormonism
- By 1831 Smith had over 1000 followers.
- Development
- Lived in Ohio called Kirtland and paid 10% of income to church.
- Development
- Many people (not all Mormon) put money in the bank.
- Due to economic crisis of 1837, savers lost their money in Mormon bank.
- Chased out of Kirtland.
- Traveling
- Now in Missouri but told by state governor to be "exterminated or driven out" after being accused of helping black slaves escape and stirring up Indians.
- Traveling
- Traveling
- Moved to Commerce in Illinois and renamed it Nauvoo, the population grew quickly.
- Grew because of missionaries being sent to Europe. Armed militia set up to protect the community.
- Many now afraid of Smiths power especially when ran for US president.
- Tension
- Crunch came when Smith announced God had told him men could have more than one wife in 1844.
- Nauvoo became most prosperous and largest city in the State.
- Tension
- Crunch came when Smith announced God had told him men could have more than one wife in 1844.
- Tension
- Given their own army and legal system by voting for the government in power.
- Many angry at idea a mob attacked the jail were Smith was imprisoned and killed him.
- The rest of the believers were in big danger
- Brigham Young
- Brigham Young was now new leader and decided in 1846 to take 15000 people the 2250km West.
- Brigham Young
- Brigham Young
- With more people trying to get at the religion an advance group had to leave. They set up camp halfway and planted crops to feed the rest of the people. However many died on the way.
- Their winter consisted of getting prepared for rest of the trip.
- He was very organised and they crossed the Plains following the Oregon trail, through the Rocky Mountains and they set up in Salt Lake City in Utah.
- Developing Utah
- Irrigation scheme made ground farmable and encouraged people to come from abroad especially if skilled in manufacturing.
- Developing Utah
- Developing Utah
- Education was poor as parents insisted their children needed on farms. They were friendly with Indians.
- Wanted self-sufficient food and self-governing in order to avoid persecution.
- Sent a Mormon battalion to fight for the USA against Mexico in 1848.
- Huge and successful city and escaped persecution and Mormons still live in Salt Lake City today.
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