Motivation and In Patient Treatments of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
- Created by: steelerslaura
- Created on: 11-01-16 18:02
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- Critically Evaluate the Usefulness of Motivational and In-Patient Treatments for Alcohol & Drug Addiction
- Facts
- 76.4 Million - alcohol use disorder
- 15.3 Million - drug use disorder
- Drug use is chosen behaviour, motivation is central to prevention and intervention.
- Motivational factors are central to understanding drug use.
- People often change due to choice or decision.
- Short Term Residential Treatment
- 3-6 week followed by outpatients
- Addiction begins when the person suffering from withdrawal symptoms realizes that a dose of the drug will dissipate all his discomfort and misery.
- If he then tries it out and actually feels the almost magical relief that he is afforded, he is on his way to confirmed addiction. - Lindesmith 1938
- Moviational Enhancement Therapy - Miller
- Ambivalence about substance use and change, support counselling style, evokes change.
- Long Term Residential Treatment
- Focus on resocialisation of the individual, developing personal accountability, defining responsibility.
- Facts
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