Mountain Men
- Created by: Katie
- Created on: 17-02-14 14:11
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- Mountain Men
- Why did they travel onto the Plains?
- Some of the first non-Indians to travel West across the Plains and over the Rockies were the fur trappers.
- The trappers blazed trails into the heartlands of the far West.
- They roamed the Rocky mountains, trapping beavers and hunting other animals.
- To hunt beavers,bear and elk in the 1820s.
- What dangers did they face?
- The climate was harsh
- It was common to see 50-60 grizzly bears each day.
- Smallpox - this was spread by a steamboat.
- Survival on the Plains
- They wore fur hats
- Trading fur flourished during 1820-1840
- They trapped beavers and hunted other animals
- Harsh Climate - could easily freeze to death
- They had pistols, rifles and tomohawks
- Friend or Foe with the Plains Indians
- They were friendly with each other
- Some of them married into Indian tribes
- This gave them family ties and somewhere to live in the winter
- Introduced the Indians to firearms and alcohol, beginnig of the destruction of the Indian way of life.
- The Rendezvous
- 1825 -1840
- All trappers agreed to meet and trade their years catches. All races would meet.
- It would take place once a year.
- They would trade furs, furs, powder, knives, beaver traps, coffee, sugar, blankets, tobacco and whisky.
- After 1840, what happened?
- Most of the beavers had died
- Therefore, they had to move on
- Only 120 trappers left so trading wasn't as often.
- Beaver hats were less fashionable
- Some guided wagon trains across the West.
- Most of the beavers had died
- Why did they travel onto the Plains?
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