Causes of Multiculturalism in the UK
- Created by: Erin_smithson
- Created on: 23-01-17 17:07
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- Multiculturalism in the UK.
- 1800's
- Jewish arrivals from Russia and Poland
- Escaping persecution
- Irish arrive escaping poverty
- Irish Potato Famine
- Jewish arrivals from Russia and Poland
- 1930's-40's: Jews from various locations and Poles arrive
- Escaping the persecution of WW2
- 1948-60's: Caribbean workers arrive
- Aim to rebuild public services after WW2
- 1950's-60's: Asians from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Escaping poverty and seeking work in public services such as the textile industry
- 1970's: East Africans and Vietnamese
- Ugandans Escaping persecution
- Vietnamese escaping war
- 1980s-90's: Eastern European Refugees
- Escaping war and political unrest in Romania and former Yugoslavia
- 2000's: Eastern Europeans arrive into the UK from the EU
- Expansion of the EU meant that movement to the UK provided an economic boost to many migrants.
- Freedom of movement within Commonwealth countries was a contributing factor in the creation of the UK as a multicultural society
- 1800's
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