Sustainable Cities - Mumbai
- Created by: ZodiacRat
- Created on: 07-06-15 09:17
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- Mumbai
- Environmental quality
- Environmental quality is poor - roads congested and polluted.
- Dharavi has poor sewage and waste disposal.
- Sewage is released directly into the sea.
- Industrial/toxic waste dumped on the edgge of Mumbai.
- Marine wildlife significantly reduced.
- Transport and communications
- Trains and buses are dominant mode of transport - 88% of commuters use trains.
- Trains often filled with 3 times the number of capacity passengers.
- Accidents are very common - 3,500 people die every year on train tracks.
- 7 million people in Mumbai live along train tracks.
- Areal extent
- Built on 7 small islands, no room to expand.
- Connected with bridges and land reclaimed from the sea.
- Coastal and surrounded by sea.
- Magnet for migrants - 18 million people living in one small area.
- Heart of Mumbai (Dharavi) is densely populated - 2km squared of land contains 1 million people.
- Disparities of wealth
- 60% of Mumbai's population is in poverty.
- 2 very different sides.
- Centre for outsourcing and business, growing middle class, gated communities, job opportunities, purchasing power parity.
- Dharavi in the heart of Mumbai.
- Insufficient water supply, no waste/sewage disposal, poor infrastructure and facilities.
- Hyperurbanisation.
- Environmental quality
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