muscular system
- Created by: mia mordecai-smith1
- Created on: 25-02-14 22:21
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- muscular system
- muscles
- quadriceps
- triceps
- latissimus dorsi
- deltoid
- gastrocnemius
- pectorals
- gluteus maximus
- functions of muscles
- movement
- enables us to move our body parts
- heat
- generate body heat when they contract
- circulation
- help in the circulation of blood
- posture
- maintain a good posture
- movement
- types of muscle
- 3types
- cardiac muscle
- only found in the heart, works without conscious effort, is involuntery, adapts to training
- smooth muscles
- around organs eg intestine and blood vessels they work without conscious effort,involuntary, provide nutriets
- skeletal muscles
- are attached to bones by tendons, voluntary, under our control,make our bodies move
- cardiac muscle
- 3types
- types of movement
- flexors
- the muscle that bends at the limb
- extensors
- the muscle that straightens at the limb
- adductors
- the muscles that move a limb towards the centre of the body
- abductors
- the muscle that moves a limb away from the centre of the body
- flexors
- muscle contractions
- for muscles to cause movement they need to contract
- isometric
- isotonic
- force produced with movement
- concentric-muscle shortens
- eccentric- muscle lengthens
- for muscles to cause movement they need to contract
- agonist
- muscle that causes movement
- antagonist
- muscle that works in opposition to the agonist
- atrophy
- decrease in muscle size
- hypertrophy
- increase in muscle size
- cardiac muscle
- muscle only found in the heart
- insertion
- point at which the muscle attaches to the moving bone
- involuntary muscles
- works without you telling it to
- muscle tone
- when your muscles are at rest but in a state of slight tension
- origin
- point at which muscle attaches to fixed bone
- skeletal muscle
- muscles attached to bones
- voluntary muscles
- work when you tell them too
- muscles
- hamstrings
- muscles
- quadriceps
- triceps
- latissimus dorsi
- deltoid
- gastrocnemius
- pectorals
- gluteus maximus
- muscles
- rectus abdominus
- trapezius
- gives us our individual shape
- shape
- functions of muscles
- movement
- enables us to move our body parts
- heat
- generate body heat when they contract
- circulation
- help in the circulation of blood
- posture
- maintain a good posture
- movement
- functions of muscles
- shape
- cardiac muscle
- only found in the heart, works without conscious effort, is involuntery, adapts to training
- force produced without movement eg tug of war/ rugby scrum
- isometric
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