Music: AOS 2
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?- Created by: OriginOfSymmetry
- Created on: 27-02-16 15:29
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- MUSIC: AOS 2 (shared music)
- Voice and Accompaniment
- Pop Ballad
- Origin: Folk songs from Middle ages in strophic form Now: Elton John, Adele, The Beatles
- Melody: Vocals Acc:guitar, piano, drum kit (counter mel. string quartet)
- Verse/Chorus structure Dynamics develop towards chorus
- slow to moderate tempo normally 4/4 homophonic texture
- lento to adagio or andante
- lyrics: love, regret, break up
- Key words
- melisma: singing a syllable over 2+ notes
- Broken chords: notes of chord played after each other
- Arco: Bowed string
- Contrasting section between verse + chorus
- Lieder (Romantic Song)
- Origin: Germanic poems Composers: Schubert, Schumann
- Melody: vocals Acc: Piano (reflect mood)
- Structure: strophic (same each verse) and through composed (diff for each verse)
- Lyrics (German): nature, love
- dynamic variation to reflect mood
- tonality: key changes, reflects the lyrics
- Key Words
- Call and Response: 2 diff phrases by diff musicians
- Major tonality: happy key Minor tonality: sad key
- Pop Ballad
- Music contrasting solo/group
- Classical Concerto
- 1750 to 1800 in Europe
- Composers: Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven
- Melody: soloist orchestral instrument Acc: orchestra
- Structure: fast, slow, fast
- Baroque Concerto
- 1600 to 1750 in Europe
- Composers: Bach, Vivaldi, Handel
- Melody: soloist Acc: small orchestra, harpsichord
- Texture: polyphonic or contrapuntal
- Dynamics change suddenly, based on diatonic scale
- Lots of ornamentation (trills, turns, grace notes, mordents)
- Key Words
- contrapuntal: lots of individual melodies played at once
- Baroque Concerto
- homophonic texture
- gradual changes (cres. and dim.)
- Key Words
- virtuosic playing: showing off (ornaments eg trills)
- Key Words
- contrapuntal: lots of individual melodies played at once
- Key Words
- Cadenza: soloist plays without orchestra
- Q&A: soloist plays incomplete phrase completed by orchestra
- Imitation: 1 instrument plays phrase, other repeats it
- Key Words
- Raga: scale
- Drone: long sustained note
- Tala: repeating rhythm of 6 to 16 beats
- Improvisation: melody made up (using raga/tala as base)
- Key Words
- virtuosic playing: showing off (ornaments eg trills)
- Jazz
- Earliy 1900s in USA
- Artists: Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone, Miles Davis
- Melody: trumpet, sax, clarinet, vocals or trombone Acc:drums, D.Bass, guitar, piano
- Chord Structure: 12 Bar blues
- homophonic texture Structure: precomposed 'head' and improv.
- swing rhythm: long 1st note 2nd short
- Key Words
- Walking Bass: regular crotchets with close intervals
- Stabs: staccato, accented notes by brass
- syncipation: off beat
- **** singing: nonsense syllables
- comping: piano plays short chords
- glissando: sliding from one note to other
- Baroque Concerto
- 1600 to 1750 in Europe
- Composers: Bach, Vivaldi, Handel
- Melody: soloist Acc: small orchestra, harpsichord
- Texture: polyphonic or contrapuntal
- Dynamics change suddenly, based on diatonic scale
- Lots of ornamentation (trills, turns, grace notes, mordents)
- Classical Concerto
- Ensembles
- Indian Classical
- Artists: Ravi Shankar
- Sitar: improv. around raga with set scale Tanpura/Tambura: plays drone acc Tabla: pair of drums
- Texture: homophonic
- passed by oral tradition (not written) used for religious celebrations
- Gamelan
- Origin: Indonesia
- Instruments
- Bonang: pot like gongs on frame
- Gambang: wooden xylophone like instrument
- Kempul: set of hanging gongs
- Kendang: 2 headed drum played by hand
- Rebab: 2 stringed instrument played with bow
- Suling: bamboo ringed flute
- Saron: metallophones (metal xylo.)
- based on slendro (5note) or pelog (7note) scales
- texture: heterophonic
- sttructure: each repeated cycle (gongan) ends with note on large gong
- More layers/parts are introduced as music progresses
- Gamelan
- Key Words
- Raga: scale
- Drone: long sustained note
- Tala: repeating rhythm of 6 to 16 beats
- Improvisation: melody made up (using raga/tala as base)
- Gamelan
- Origin: Indonesia
- Instruments
- Bonang: pot like gongs on frame
- Gambang: wooden xylophone like instrument
- Kempul: set of hanging gongs
- Kendang: 2 headed drum played by hand
- Rebab: 2 stringed instrument played with bow
- Suling: bamboo ringed flute
- Saron: metallophones (metal xylo.)
- based on slendro (5note) or pelog (7note) scales
- texture: heterophonic
- sttructure: each repeated cycle (gongan) ends with note on large gong
- More layers/parts are introduced as music progresses
- Indian Classical
- Large vocal ensembles
- Great Choral Classics
- Baroque, classical and romantic eras in europe
- Composers: handel
- Choir: soprano, alto, tenor, bass Acc: full orchestra
- Types
- Oratorio: large piece for soloist, orchestra and choir (eg Handel's Messiah)
- Mass: based on latin text from Catholic communion service in 6 movements
- Texture: monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic
- African a capella
- a cappella means without accomp.
- Artists: Ladysmith Black Mambazo
- vocals sing in close harmonies at parallel thirds
- Use voice/body sounds: clicks, claps, stamps, yelps
- timbre: soft and mellow
- tonality: major, happy sounding
- dyamic rises and falls
- rhythm: syncopated, follow natural word rhythms
- Key Words
- Call and Response (2 diff phrases played by diff musicians)
- timbre: tone sound or "colour" of music
- Great Choral Classics
- Voice and Accompaniment
- Monophonic: parts sing the same melody together "one sound"
- Homophonic: parts move together in harmony, melody and accompaniment
- Polyphonic: each part sings an independent, different melody
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