Music for a While
- Created by: KavyaRevising...
- Created on: 21-04-19 16:06
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- Music for a While
- Context
- By Henry Purcell
- 1692
- Died at 36
- Wrote music for more than 40 plays
- For the play Oedipus
- John Dryden
- Trying to calm Alecto
- Baroque
- It is a lament aria
- By Henry Purcell
- Melody
- Conjunct
- Passing notes are frequent
- Leaps no greater than a perfect 4th
- Descending sequence (b20)
- Many ornaments
- Trills Appoggiatura Acciaccatura Mordents
- Tonality
- Aminor
- Modulates
- Emin (b14) Gmaj (b16) Cmaj (b21) Amaj (b23) Emin (b27)
- Amin (b28)
- Emin (b14) Gmaj (b16) Cmaj (b21) Amaj (b23) Emin (b27)
- Rhythm, metre & tempo
- no markings- but slow is appropriate
- 4/4
- Quavers + semiquavers
- Dotted rhythms
- syncopation
- Texture
- Homophonic
- melody + accomp
- Ground bass
- LH harpsichord + bass viol
- Homophonic
- Structure
- Ground bass structure
- A 3 bar repeated melodic line played in the bass of the piece
- Features: Quavers Arpeggios Semitones
- Ends with an octave leap and cadence
- Changes in b14
- returns in b26
- Ground bass structure
- Harmony
- ALL cadences are perfect
- Suspension (b3)
- Dissonance
- False relation
- b1- F# and F played
- eg. 'pains' (b12)
- False relation
- Tierce de Picardie
- Sudden major chord within all minor chords
- b24
- Instruments
- Voice
- Soprano
- Word-painting
- Range= 9th
- Highest= high F
- Lowest= E (able middle C)
- Soprano
- Basso continuo
- Voice
- Context
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