music keywords
- Created by: ThatOneGothGirl
- Created on: 15-03-20 14:22
View mindmap
- music
- dynamics
- fortissimo
- really loud
- ff
- forte
- f
- loud
- mezzoforte
- moderately loud
- mf
- mezzopiano
- moderately quiet
- mp
- piano
- quiet
- p
- pianissimo
- pp
- really quiet
- crescendo
- getting louder
- <
- diminuendo
- getting quieter
- >
- fortissimo
- articulation
- sforzando
- heavily accented
- staccato
- separated
- legato
- smoothly
- pizzicato
- plucking strings
- tremolo
- bowing strings quickly
- accent
- stronger and louder
- sforzando
- tempo
- rubato
- rhythm flexiblility
- largo
- slow
- accelerando
- getting faster
- allegro
- lively
- rallentando
- getting slower
- andante
- moderate
- pause
- time before a note is played is lengthened
- rubato
- texture
- unison
- people play together
- thin
- not many layers
- homophonic
- harmonies moving like train tracks
- solo
- 1 instrument playing
- monophonic
- no harmonies
- thick
- lots of layers
- polyphonic
- lots of different tunes
- unison
- rhythm
- triplets
- a group of 3 notes which last 2 beats
- dotted rhythm
- note halves and added on to the end
- pulse
- 1 note that keeps everyone in time
- syncopation
- off beat
- triplets
- structure
- coda
- ends a piece
- 12 bar bleus
- 12 bar chord sequence
- variation
- repeated in an altered form
- strophic
- just verses
- rondo form
- ternary form
- intro
- the beginning
- through composed
- verses sung to different music
- binary form
- AB
- canon
- repeats with imitations
- bridge
- fill
- cadenza
- soloist shows off
- vertuosic
- round
- tunes overlap
- ground bass
- ostinato bassine
- coda
- dynamics
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