Musical Techniques
- Created by: Emily
- Created on: 28-11-12 09:31
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- Musical Techniques
- Ascending Sequence - bar 12&13
- False Relation - Bar 19 FMT
- Modulation - Poulenc Bar 40 Bb Major
- Dominant 7th - Poulenc Sonata Bar 4
- Descending Motifs - Bar 1 FMT
- Phrygian Cadence - FMT Bar 4
- Polarised Textures
- Tierce de Picardie FMT End of first section
- Codas - Bar 5 Tupelo Honey
- Monophony - Bar 8
- Repetition - Tupelo Honey
- Lower Auxilliary - Bar 26 Poulenc
- Imitation- FMT Bar 12
- Prep, Sus, Res bars 9-10
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