My boy jack - act 1 scene 1
- Created by: libs10191
- Created on: 22-04-23 15:28
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- My boy Jack - Act 1 Scene 1
- Summary
- We are introduced to the ‘Batemans’ home. Rudyard is observing John's appearance and tells him to wear his pince-nez. We learn Rudyard is so demanding about John’s appearance because they have a meeting with an army doctor to see if he is fit to fight.
- Rudyard and John do a practice rehearsal of what the interview may consist of, however, John is not very confident and stumbles over his words. Johnk’s pince-nez keeps falling off his face and John screams in frustration.
- . This causes Carrie to enter who tries to talk but he tells ‘her not now’. Carrie then suggests that John is too young to join the army however, this causes an argument. At the end of the scene John is able to easily rehearse what he is going to say in his interview.
- Characters
- John
- Rudyard
- Carrie
- I can't get to grips with it. It won't stay on my nose
- Daddo...
- Its not for my benefit
- Out! Now!
- She is holding the flowers which drip dirty tap water
- There was a begging letter from the 'army welfare fund'. I've sent them £15 on your behalf
- Summary
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