My boy jack - act 2 scene 1
- Created by: libs10191
- Created on: 25-04-23 18:55
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- My boy jack - Act 2 scene 1
- Summary
- Now in October back at the Bateman’s Rudyard and Carrie are getting on with daily life. The family then receives a telegram stating that John is ‘missing’. Elsie and Carrie automatically believe he must be dead, but Rudyard holds onto the idea that his son is still alive.
- Characters
- Rudyard
- Carrie
- Elsie
- 'When the English began to hate...'
- Please. If there is a God. Let Jack live
- My child. My little child
- John is not dead
- Do you really blame me for this? Do you
- If I had, he would've suffered a living death here
- If by any chance Jack is dead, it will have been the finest moment in his young life
- Why did you let him go?
- You've missed the point haven't you!...
- Summary
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