Narrative in My 3 Main Texts
- Created by: kaiosborne98
- Created on: 20-05-16 12:50
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- Narrative in My 3 Main Texts
- Eastenders
- Propps Characters - these vary between episodes e.g. Phil was seen as Villain now seen as Victim or Hero
- Binary Opposites - Working Class vs. Middle Class
- Enigma Codes - When different genres mix in e.g. Crime genre, Who killed Lucy Beale?
- Action Codes - Limited within text, some episodes will show it thought e.g. Phil and Grant fighting
- Dramatic Irony e.g. Audience knew is was Kush's baby but Martin didn't
- Cliff Hangers - Always ends the episode with a Cliff Hanger e.g. Peggy Mitchell comitting suicide and episode ending
- Red Herring - Can use mix of genres to attract new audiences e.g. using crime drama to attract male audiences
- Multi-Stranded/ Intertwined Storylines - Most characters have their own story to follow but some will cross with each others
- Linear Narrative - Follows real time to give audience realism
- Stock Characters - Business Woman (Sharon Mitchell), Womaniser (Max Branning), Good Husband (Mick Carter)
- Setting - Microcosoms, everyone is close and connected
- Sound - Dieagetic sound used to make the text more realistic
- Mode of Address - Indirect to the audience, characters don't talk to audience
- Time Manipulation - Put 24 hour day put into 30 minute episode
- X-Factor
- Propps Characters - Winner is hero, whereas the Simon Cowell and his Judges can be seen as villains
- Todrov Narrative theory - Creates new equilibrium closer to the finals
- Binary Opposites - Talent vs. Untalented
- Enigma Codes - Who will win or who will be knocked out?
- Cliff Hangers - When there is an ad break and the audience is left waiting to see you has been voted off or through
- Multi-stranded narratives - Contestants will have different backstories the audience is shown
- Setting - Always set within studio or big hall to fit typical narrative and genre conventions of talent shows
- Suspense - When the hosts are about to read out who won or who has been eliminated
- Mode of Address - Directly speaking to the audience
- Time Manipulation - Kept at real time, mostly airing live shows
- Ellipsis - Cutting out feature like the contestant practicing for the shows
- Luther
- Propps Character Theory - Luther (Hero), DC Ripley (Helper), Alice (Villain)
- Todrov Narrative Theory - Will normally end with some sort of equilibrium.
- Binary Oppositions - Luther vs. Criminals
- Action Codes - Always featuring some sort of action to keep audience interested in the narrative
- Dramatic Irony - Audience knew Luther didn't kill his wife but other characters like DCI Rose didn't
- Red Herring - Typical Genre convention always thrown into the narrative to keep audience guessing
- Multi-stranded Narrative - Luther Keeps personal and career business separate, but do eventually intertwine when Zoe is murdered
- Linear/ Non-Linear narrative - Will normally follow a linear narrative but will use flashbacks to help solve clues
- Setting - Typical big city e.g. London, also small office space to keep character engaged with each other
- Sound - Non Diegetic used to set the mood
- Opening teaser - Used before credits to make sure the audience stays engaged
- Open Narrative - Some thing wont be solved in one episode so audience will keep watching to find resolution
- Time Manipulation - Will skip weeks even month to develop the narrative between episodes
- Eastenders
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