Narrative Structure in Frankinstein
- Created by: nixmh_
- Created on: 22-01-16 13:32
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- Narrative Structure
- why?
- scientist piecing together information?
- unsure of facts and realities
- scientist piecing together information?
- unreliable narrator
- have to check legitimacy of facts
- lack of education, experience and young age (28)
- immature
- lack of education, experience and young age (28)
- Captain Walton
- serves as a middle man
- records story as what he remembers from what he said
- emotional ties with sister
- omit details to embellish or cause comfort
- have to check legitimacy of facts
- style: letter
- emotional ties with sister
- omit details to embellish or cause comfort
- writes it on several days: when hes busy he writes less and vice versa
- memory lapse
- written quickly
- emotional ties with sister
- science
- several stories intertwined
- reliving different narratives
- several stories intertwined
- why?
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