Narrative Structure- Frankenstein
- Created by: IPhall
- Created on: 25-01-16 10:18
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- Narrative structure: Frankenstein
- 1st -Epistolary narrative
- 2nd-Embedded narrative
- Victor recounts tale, Walton, Frankenstein, Walton
- Narrative of Monster- convince his creator to make a mate
- Victor's narrative- persuade Walton to destroy monster
- Differing accounts-juxtaposes- to see difference
- 2nd-Embedded narrative
- Unreliable narrator- Walton
- Lack of education, experience
- Human error/accuracy of story. Is it the truth? one side
- Readers can't check if story is true
- Biased/subjective view
- Difficult to describe his experience- "poor communication of the feeling"
- Frame narrator- not involved - passive
- Walton is too distant to know full impact
- Limited knowledge of events
- Walton is too distant to know full impact
- Frame narrator- not involved - passive
- Walton wants to entertain his sister. "greatest pleasure". Exaggeration?
- Memory issue- letters written days after event
- Partial memory- recollection is blurred
- Letters- unreliable- affects narrator-reader relationship
- Narrative as journal-work on journal and revise his work. Error.
- Memory issue- letters written days after event
- 1st -Epistolary narrative