Nature-nurture debate - Issues and debates
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 03-03-19 20:51
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- Nature-nurture debate in psychology
- Nature Concepts and mental capacities are innate; come from heredity (genes from generations)
- Measured using heritability coefficient; 1 = completely genetic
- Nurture Born as a blank slate; knowledge gained from experience and environment
- Family studies Certain trait seen over generations suggests has genetic basis; otherwise, must be environment
- However families often share environment so difficult to separate both sides of the debate
- Interactionism Both genetics and environment impact behaviour
- Example PKU - born with the disorder (nature); managed by diet, if not then affects behaviour and biology (nurture)
- Diathesis-stress model Genetic vulnerability to a medical disorder that is in hibernation until triggered by a stressor
- Examples schizophrenia Depression
- Nature Concepts and mental capacities are innate; come from heredity (genes from generations)
- Biological Psychodynami Cognitive Humanistic Behaviourist
- Nature
- Nurture
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